September 29, 2024

[最新消息]Aeon Big Batu Pahat – Orange Day Music Performance

We are honored to be invited once again by Aeon Big Batu Pahat to present a spectacular music performance during the grand Orange Day event.

Aeon Big Orange Day

We are honored to be invited once again by Aeon Big Batu Pahat to present a spectacular music performance during the grand Orange Day event.

In this performance, we will continue to blend the melodies of Guzheng, Violin, and Guitar, bringing to the audience at Aeon Big Batu Pahat a medley of classical and contemporary tunes, spanning across Chinese, English, and Malay songs, celebrating the rich diversity of Malaysia’s culture.

For those who love music and wish to seize the opportunity to shop for daily essentials at discounted prices during Orange Day, how could you miss this?

Date: 29th July 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30 PM
Venue: Aeon Big Batu Pahat

我們很榮幸,再度被Aeon Big Batu Pahat邀請,於盛大的Orange Day當天,進行一場別開生面的音樂演出。

這次的演出,我們將繼續融合古箏、小提琴及吉他,為光臨Aeon Big Batu Pahat的公眾,演繹多首膾炙人口的古典及流行音樂,跨越中文、英文及馬來文歌曲,響應馬來西亞多元文化的氣息。

喜歡音樂演出,又希望趁著Orange Day以優惠價採購日常用品的朋友們,怎麼能錯過呢?

地點:Aeon Big Batu Pahat